Many modern car shopping experiences begin online—customers extensively research vehicles before ever setting foot in a dealership! With customers coming in prepared, your readiness to provide exceptional service is vital in delivering experiences that meet and exceed their expectations.

Check out these tips for making the most of their online to IRL experience!

#1 Use any pre-visit information provided by the customer.

Don’t make customers repeat themselves if they’ve already shared info online. You’ll impress them with your knowledge and make their time feel valued!

#2 Ensure the dealership’s online price is the same as the in-store price.

Make sure prices align online and in-store and be upfront regarding any discrepancies.

#3 Treat your customer’s research like an ally.

Remember that customer research isn’t done to undermine your job—it simply reflects a modern typical customer journey! Plus, it can help you get a jump start on key selling points!

Put yourself in their shoes—if you were making a big purchase, you’d probably be doing some research too! By being prepared for their dealership visit, you’ll not only help seal the deal, but send them off feeling respected and understood, so they’re more likely to come back!

Customer Experience Customer Satisfaction Respecting Customer's Time Sales