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Have you ever heard another technician referring to something they learned in class, but they call it by the course acronym? What exactly does it mean if they say, “I learned this in “KDT,” or “I’m signed up for EMS II”? Kia University has put together a quick reference guide that you might want to screenshot and save to your mobile device!

AcronymCourse TitleCourse Code
AEDAutomotive Electrical Diagnosis CourseILT: TEC-03-017-1
AEMAutomotive Electrical Measurements Course^ILT: TEC-03-068-1
EMDEngine Mechanical Diagnosis CourseILT: TEC-03-033-1
EMS IEngine Management Systems I CourseILT: TEC-03-028-2
EMS IIEngine Management Systems II CourseILT: TEC-03-036-2
KATD IKia Automatic Transaxle Diagnosis I CourseILT: TEC-03-063-1
KATD IIKia Automatic Transaxle Diagnosis II CourseILT: TEC-03-064-1
KBND or BNDKia Body Network Diagnosis CourseILT: TEC-03-039-1
KCCDKia Climate Control Diagnosis CourseILT: TEC-03-046-1
KDTKia Diagnostic Tools CourseILT: TEC-03-059-1
HVTHigh-Voltage Technologies CourseILT: TEC-03-066-1
HVBDHigh-Voltage Battery Diagnosis^ILT: TEC-03-069-1
EV6EV6 Technology Part 1: Virtual*vILT: TEC-06-014-1
EV6 pt2EV6 Technology Part 2: WorkshopILT: TEC-03-065-1



* Requires completion of: EV6 Part 1 Assessment (WEB: TEC-04-084-1)

As always, use Kia University on KDealer+ for all your training needs, and thank you for supporting Kia Technical Training!

KGIS Kia Acronym List Technical Training Technical