KIA P2M Posts Favorite Check the Dates on High-Voltage Gloves Daylight Saving Time began on Sunday, March 12! You should not only adjust your clocks and test your smoke detectors, but also check your rubber-insulating gloves! Rubber-insulating gloves must be recertified every 6 months. This is an OSHA requirement for your safety. Check the last inspection date stamped on all your rubber-insulating gloves. If it’s time to have them electrically tested, follow the steps in the latest revision of TSB SST-028 to get them recertified. It is critically important that you wear Personal Protective Equipment when working on or around Kia Hybrid and EV high-voltage systems. This includes wearing rubber-insulating gloves and leather glove protectors OVER them to help prevent cuts and tears in the rubber gloves. If you don’t wear leather protectors, OSHA requires you to have the rubber-insulating gloves electrically tested and recertified before using them again. This is in addition to the 6-month testing requirement. Always use KGIS to find the most current service information and thank you for supporting Kia Technical Training! EV High-Voltage Gloves Hybrids KGIS OSHA Requirement PPE Technical More Kia P2M Posts We’d love your feedback! Email Address* Please help us by providing feedback that could make the ePRG work even better for you.*Rate Your Experience*Rate Your ExperienceExcellentPretty goodNeutralNot so greatTerrible KiaExpert@Home × My Kia Expert@Home* is a nationwide program (for a limited time only) that offers a complementary, personalized, & premium follow-up features demonstration for the EV9 in person or virtually.