Delivering exceptional service experiences that create value is the key to building trust and turning customers into passionate Kia advocates, boosting service retention and loyalty.

Here are some ways you can create value and build trust:

  • Highlight exclusive benefits: Explain to customers the unique advantages of servicing their vehicles at a Kia dealership, such as:
    • Genuine Kia Parts & Accessories: Ensure they know they’re getting top-quality components.
    • OEM-Trained Technicians: Emphasize the expertise and specialized training of your staff.
  • Transparent communication: Always seek customers’ approval before starting any work and make sure they fully understand and agree to the charges.
  • Keep information current: Ensure your dealership website is always up-to-date with current pricing that matches the Kia Accessory website.
  • Enhance the waiting experience: Maintain a clean, comfortable waiting area stocked with amenities for customers to enjoy while they wait.
  • Offer convenience: Provide alternative transportation options so customers don’t have to wait at the dealership for long service appointments. Make sure this option is available during the online booking process.
  • Return vehicles cleaner than when brought in: Vacuum and wash vehicles prior to redelivery to show that you care. Let customers know of any extra time needed to level set wait time expectations.

By communicating these values and benefits to your service customers during their visit, you’ll significantly strengthen customer loyalty and trust in your dealership.


National Service Operations Team
Kia America, Inc.

* Important Safety Information and Legal Disclaimers can be found in the link at the bottom of the page.

Creating Value Creating Value in Service Customer Experience Customer Satisfaction Understanding Customer Needs Service