The big day has arrived: Your customer’s EV6 is ready to go home. Before you deliver an EV6, make sure you’re up to speed on the features and functions of the EV6. Remember, compared to other Kia models, EV6 has different interfaces, menus, and settings. Take the time to learn how to operate these features to show the customer during delivery. By being prepared and ready to explain these features to your customer, you’ll elevate their experience and satisfaction with the Kia brand, setting you up for repeat business and referrals.

When an EV6 customer comes into the dealership for Delivery, be prepared to explain:

  • How to switch between the HVAC and Audio Controls, which share a common display. Demonstrate the mode switch.
  • How to access and set up Kia conectar* and available navigation*.
  • The available Kia conduce inteligentemente* features, which may include Smart Cruise Control w/ Stop & Go* & Machine Learning and Highway Driving Assist 2*.
  • How to access driver settings within the instrument cluster.
  • Where to find the wipers, standard cruise control buttons, and light controls.

For more information, you can visit the EV6 ePRG on to review the highlighted features and tips that must be communicated to EV6 customers upon Delivery.

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