Getting your customers in and out of the dealership in a timely manner can help increase service satisfaction and allow them to get on with their busy days. Remember, time is everyone’s most valuable asset.

Below are best practices to help respect your customer’s time:

  • Service Lane Technology: Online booking and scheduling is a must in today’s marketplace, so utilize your scheduler to properly book the right business for availability.
  • Staffing: Ensure there is enough staff to accommodate appointments scheduled and still be able to make the promised vehicle delivery time.
  • Express Service: For routine maintenance, use Express Service to get customers in and out as quickly as possible.
  • Alternative Transportation: Offer customers alternative transportation for longer service appointments so that they do not have to wait at the dealership.

Always keep customers updated and make sure the provided vehicle delivery promise time is accurate based on the current shop capacity in order to maintain customer trust.

National Service Operations Team
Kia America, Inc.

Best Practices Experiencia del cliente La satisfacción del cliente Respetar el tiempo del cliente Servicio